1. Owners sold the majority of the land to Font Hill Land Company. 2. Today, the Black Hills land claim case is still an ongoing issue. 3. Only the hill land to the north, consisting mainly of olive groves, remained. 4. The Colony of Connecticut purchased the Lantern Hill land for Momoho's Pequots in 1683. 5. ,Carry the Kettle First Nation has their Cypress Hills Land Claim in federal court. 6. Bud Reahard and family purchased the Hickory Hill land . 7. At that time the Forest Hill land was heavily timbered, with some large gum swamps. 8. The Hills Land and Investment Company subdivided land in the Aldgate area for settlement in 1882. 9. Palestinian farmers claim the Artis Hill land , two hilltops away from the settlement of Beit El. 10. A significant proportion of hill land on the island is water catchment area and needs protection.